WriterCoach Connection encompasses a wide range of activities, and we'd love to have you hook in with your special talents and interests. Maybe you're not a writer or an editor, but you've always wanted to be: become part of our newsletter team! Maybe you're a complete online geek: help us with the WCC blog or our e-newsletter! Maybe you're one of those people who loves to spread the word about something you believe in: help us with publicity and public relations! Maybe you love to party: help us with special events! Maybe you love to beat the drum to raise money for good causes: help us with fundraising! Maybe you're a real estate agent: help us find affordable office space! And then there's always the possibility that you love to work with kids: you'd be a great writer coach!
Contact us via our website (www.writercoachconnection.org), or reach Executive Director Robert Menzimer at robert at writercoachconnection dot org or 510.528.5066. You won't be unhooked for long!