Actually sitting down in class with students, one on one as a WCC coach is, by a wide margin, the most popular volunteer activity within Community Alliance for Learning. But there are many other ways to help, for volunteers who want to expand beyond coaching, or for whom schedules make coaching impractical. For example:
- Help with our quarterly newsletter. Got writing chops? Editing skills? Layout expertise? We need you!
- Help with our monthly e-newsletter. Got a nose for writer coaching news? Enjoy crafting quick-hit interviews? Like digging up coaching tips? We need you!
- Help with grantwriting. Know a little something about prospecting for funders? Like doing research? Able to leap tall grant proposals in a single bound? We need you!
- Help with coach recruitment. Like meeting people? Enjoy hanging out at street fairs? Inclined to tell anyone who will listen your writer coaching tales? We need you!
- Help with office space. Know a realtor? Are a realtor? Heard about donated office space available to nonprofits? We need you!
- Help with organizational guidance. Knowledgeable about WCC? Motivated to help us marshall community support for public education? Interested in serving on the Community Alliance for Learning board of directors? We need you!
To help with any of this, or to suggest other ways you can support our mission to help students learn to write effectively, contact CAFL Executive Director Robert Menzimer at 510.528.5066 or [email protected]. You'll be glad you did!