Maybe it's President Obama's call to citizen service, maybe it's the budget crises at all of our schools, maybe it's the water. For whatever reason, community volunteers have been flooding into our coach training sessions this spring. As we head into our final training sessions of the school year, we're projecting 88 new coaches, a whopping 28% increase over spring of last year!
These new coaches have responded to outreach from volunteer coordinators Lynn Mueller, Eliza Clark, and Karen Larson, with support from WCC site coordinators Teresa Barnett, Peg Healy, Nancy Whitney, Sahib-Amar Khalsa, Kathleen Hallam, Annie Stine, Mark Pasley, Jeanine Brown, Lisa Awrey, and Clara Sneed. And once they've gotten into their training sessions, they stay, thanks to the expert guidance of trainers Marilyn Alberts, Kathleen Hallam, Laura Marlin, and Jayne Walker.
We welcome these new WCC coach volunteers with deep appreciation for their commitment. Whether they know it our not, and they may have an inkling, they're in for one of the unique experiences of their lifetimes, and surely one of the most rewarding.
Bob Menzimer