The tirelessly dedicated staff at Mandela Law and Public Service Academy in Oakland, led by Principal Robin Glover, has welcomed WCC volunteers into the classrooms of teacher John Nepomuceno this year, marking the first expansion of WCC in Oakland beyond our first school site, Media Academy, which shares its Fruitvale campus with Mandela. At Mandela, coaches are working with Mr. Nepomuceno's tenth-grade classes, supported by a generous grant from the Dean Witter Foundation. The program is going so well with the tenth graders that when the school received a grant from the Michael Jordan Foundation recently, Ms. Glover immediately asked if we could further expand our coaching to include the ninth grade in addition to the tenth. So that's exactly what we're doing.
The goal is to add a pilot coaching program for the Mandela ninth grade in the spring. Extra coach recruiting, led by WCC Volunteer Coordinator Lynn Mueller and Oakland Coordinator Karen Larson kicked immediately into gear, and six volunteers quickly signed on to the extra coach training sessions scheduled for December.
We're so pleased to be coaching at both Media and Mandela in Oakland, and we're especially pleased to be able to expand coaching at Mandela beyond the original program launch in September.
Want to join the excitement? Sign up today for the December coach training classes!
Bob Menzimer