On January 25, Albany WCC Site Coordinator Peg Healy will lead more than 50 volunteers in the spring coaching sessions to support Albany Middle School students on their I-Search projects. The spring coaching is the result of determined fundraising by the AMS community, the Albany Education Foundation, Albany Rotary, and the community at large, keeping WCC at AMS when the parcel-tax funding that had funded the program in previous years was diverted by the district to cover core school expenses.
To keep our Albany volunteers engaged, community visibility is crucial. That's why Peg Healy and CAFL Associate Director Lynn Mueller were on hand at the Albany Community Center on the Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday Jan. 17 for the annual Albany Commit to Serve Expo. Here they are, ready to spread the word at the WCC table.
Below, prospective WCC volunteer Tennessee Gock signs up for a coach training session.
Bob Menzimer