The Irene S. Scully Family Foundation has presented a generous $10,000 grant to Community Alliance for Learning (CAFL), the parent organization of WriterCoach Connection, to support the expansion of WCC in West Contra Costa County. We expanded to West County for the first time this year, serving students in English Language Development classes in the fall and branching out to also cover a mainstream class this spring. For 2011-12, we hope to expand to serve all ninth-grade students at ECHS with writer coaches.
Portola Middle School in El Cerrito is in line for WCC, lacking only funding for the program. We have also met with the staff at Kennedy High School in Richmond, where the program is badly needed and wanted, but where district and school funding for a literacy program like ours is non-existent. Support from the Scully Foundation helps create the momentum to carry us to deeper involvement in El Cerrito schools and into Richmond as well.
The Irene S. Scully Family Foundation invests in programs that provide educational and developmental opportunities to economically disadvantaged communities. We deeply appreciate their faith in the capability of WriterCoach Connection to further that mission!
Bob Menzimer