It may have been Oscar night, but a hall full of enthusiastic music and WCC fans passed on the televised extravaganza on Feb. 26 in favor of listening to Joe Christiano, Theresa Kelly, Joshua Raoul Brody, and the All-a-Quiver Chorus present "I'm with Cupid 2: New Wave Pleasures and Post Punk Paens," the February presentation in the First Person Singular literary series, dedicated as a fundraiser for WriterCoach Connection. The parish hall of St. Albany's church in Albany was rockin', and the donation boxes were fillin' with support for WCC. Check it out:
The accoustics in the St. Alban's parish hall are superlative, a perfect match for the music of I'm with Cupid 2. That's Joshua Raoul Brody at the piano.
The All-a-Quiver Chorus (l. to r.): Jennifer Robinson, Brian Azevedo, and Chie Treagus
The audience knows an Oscar-worthy performance when it sees one.
Many thanks to Joe and his fellow performers, to First Person Singular, to Pegasus Books, and to St. Alban's, for a memorable evening of generosity to WriterCoach Connection!
Bob Menzimer