For the last few months, lack of funding has threatened to limit the WCC program in El Cerrito. This week, however, we're thrilled to share that El Cerrito City Councilmember Rebecca Benassini has taken up the cause of writer coaches for ECHS and Portola, and is planning to propose that the City allocate $2-3,000 from its general fund to support WCC in El Cerrito for this year!
There are two ways you can help this proposal pass.
First, attend the upcoming council meeting and make a brief (two minutes or less) public statement during the Public Comment portion of the meeting. Simply state that you are in support of City funding to keep WriterCoach Connection in El Cerrito, and convey what it means to you to have writer coaches in El Cerrito classrooms.
What: El Cerrito City Council Meeting
When: Tuesday, October 2, 6:45pm
Where: El Cerrito City Hall, 10890 San Pablo Ave, El Cerrito
Who: You! (Coaches, Parents, Teachers, Students)
Second, whether you come to the meeting or not, you can also elect to send an email to Council members a day or two before the meeting to show your support. Again, we ask that you convey your support El Cerrito City Councilmember Rebecca Benassini's proposal that the City allocate $2-3,000 from its general fund to support WCC in El Cerrito for this year and state the importance of WCC's coaching to El Cerrito students, teachers, schools, and community.
Councilmembers to include are:
Mayor William C. Jones III: [email protected]Councilmember Janet Abelson: [email protected]
Councilmember Rebecca Benassini: [email protected]
Councilmember Ann Cheng: [email protected]
Mayor Pre Tem Greg Lyman: [email protected]
We thank you for all efforts that you put toward the terrific cause of keeping WCC in El Cerrito!
ps. Bonus: We may be previewing a short video about WCC during the meeting. Come get a sneak peek!
Bob Menzimer
Update: Check out coverage of the meeting by the Oakland Tribune!